Functionalai Partners Pte Ltd

About Us

Welcome to the heart and soul of FUNCTIONALAI PARTNERS PTE LTD. We are not your average bunch of corporate robots – rather we are a group of passionate individuals who wish to assist people out there with powerful user-friendly AI tools. In short, we empower them in making a difference in AI-driven world

It all started with Mr. Nishida, a consultant guru with over twenty years of experience under his belt. As he navigated through his career journey, Mr. Nishida couldn’t help but notice the game-changing potential of AI in reshaping the way we work.

Witnessing how AI could swoop in and rescue professionals from the monotony of mundane tasks sparked a vision in him: imagine a world where we all have a little more breathing room to let our creativity soar and innovation thrive. 

Our tools features

What are the main features across all of our AI tools?

Why AI?

AI are gradually shaping the future. Click the button below to read on why AI is transforming the industries.

(original article written by Mr. Nishida)


Introducing our innovative suite of AI-powered tools, designed specifically for customers who prioritize simplicity and efficiency. Whether you’re streamlining workflows, optimizing processes, or enhancing productivity, our AI tools are here to empower you every step of the way.



Introducing our innovative suite of AI-powered tools, designed specifically for customers who prioritize simplicity and efficiency.



Easy interface and not complicated. Customers able to use it with ease.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Easy interface and not complicated. Customers able to use it with ease.

What We Do

Online Presence for your B2B Sales

We believe any good products & service will be wasted without Online Presence due to our lifestyle changes.​ We assists our corporate clients in drastically increasing their traffic via our AI tool implementation. Please enquire us on your first step into successful exposure toward more business enquiries.

Example of our clients increase: June-Aug’ 2024

FUNAI ゼミ (Fun “AI” Study Group)

(Currently only in Japanese​)

当社ではシンガポールを中心に海外B2B営業に真剣に取り組む日本人ビジネスマン・ビジネスウーマンに向け、ゼミスタイルでの有料サロンを実施しております。上記1のOnline Presence向上にAIツールのみで取り組む方を1業界、1名(1社)に限定し、効果的なTraffic向上方法などベストプラクティスのシェアや質問への回答など業界は異なりますが、一つの共通ミッションを参加者の方がそれぞれのビジネスで達成していくグループです。海外在住など一人で取り組むより、同じように真剣な仲間と取り組んだほうが継続できるものです。​
また、ゼミではOnline Presenceを向上した後の営業活動や紹介者などに出会いやすいようLinked-inプラットフォームで実施しております。​ オンラインでの露出、ビジネスSNSの活用、問い合わせ件数の向上に向けた日々の活動がしやすい環境を整えていくことがFUNAIゼミの設立趣旨です。お気軽にお問い合わせください。​

Chiebukuro (知恵袋)

(Currently only in Japanese​)

2022年12月よりシンガポール市場に特化した経営全般、法人設立、会計、税務、秘書役など専門家に気軽に聞けるQ&Aサービス「シンガポール進出」知恵ぶくろを運営しております。このサービスはネット上であらゆる意見が飛び交い過ぎており、ネット調査中の方が混乱を招きかねない中、気軽に専門家の本音がきけるQ&Aサービスサイトを立ち上げ、運営しています。専門家は「営業活動行為一切禁止」のため、より本音を引き出すことを狙いとしています。​ 将来的な「AIアドバイザー」の開発も視野にいれており、近い将来には完全AI化を計画中。​

Digital Staff Development and Placement​

We are currently preparing to launch 1st “Digital Staff” in Singapore​.

AI Student Intern Sponsorship ​

We have conducted our first “AI Internship” Project in Dec’ 2023 (for 5 months)​. 9 “futuristic” college students from Singapore and Vietnam to participate in this project by 3 teams (1 team with 3 students) They were given the same Missions (from business world) to compete their own AI solutions to win.​

At FUN AI, besides literally having fun, we’re all about keeping things simple. We’re firm believers in crafting easy-to-use solutions that just slide right into your workflow, giving you more time to do what you love. Whether you’re a tech whiz or just dipping your toes into the digital pool, our aim is to hook you up with the tools you need to crush it – no sweat.


Need more clarifications?

Any questions related to any of our services above, feel free to email us!

We’re here to help you harness the power of artificial intelligence to grow your business. Whether you’re looking to enhance your online presence or considering to join our AI internships, we are ready to assist you in finding the right solutions tailored to your needs.
Ready to take the next step in transforming your business with AI? Get in touch with us today by filling up the form on the right and let’s discuss how our solutions can drive your success.
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